Thursday, February 28, 2013


I learned very early that RJ did NOT like to be cold. He would stage the grandest protest to all things that caused his skin to become cool or his body temperature to drop. 

^^No one wants to see this kid mad! ^^

Anyways, the Munchkin Standard Wipe Warmer rocks my socks. Since I started using it, my baby boy has not cried once during a diaper change. The warmer locks on both sides to keep the lid down on your wipes and the button on the front of the lid is actually a light that you can push to see how full or empty the container is so that you are prepared to refill the warmer when it needs it. The horror of being in the middle of a diaper change when you realize your warmer has no wipes in it, right?! Not with this warmer! 

I bought my warmer at Target but I have also seen it at BuyBuyBaby.


  • Super easy to set up. (Take it out the box & plug it in!)
  • Light helps you stay ahead of running out of wipes
  • doesn't over heat wipes; wipes get a nice warm temp
  • happy baby during diaper changes
  • Depending on the wipes you use, warmer may dry out the wipes (I am currently using Huggies One&Done & Im having no problems)

1 comment:

  1. I've seen some people say this product isn't necessary but personally my little girl seems less in distress when I wipe her with a warm wipe vs a cold one. :)Baby is already upset they're being exposed to cold air so why make it worse with a cold wipe?
